June is for writing

My sabbatical is almost over and I’m back at work at the uni in one month. Today, I got all my academic work in order, made notes about how and when to finish it, and filed it. Because June is for writing. For writing fiction, that is; and specifically cool, magical, medieval, paganish fiction set in places with old trees and mossy stones. I am about to start work on the last novella for my collection The Year of Ancient Ghosts (see cover art below). The novella is called “The Lark and the River” and is set around the end of the 11th century when a new church is built on an ancient pagan site and then the shit goes down. The other stories in the collection are:
* “The Year of Ancient Ghosts” about a woman who brings her daughter to Orkney to investigate her husband’s secret past and then the ghostly shit goes down.

* “The Death of Pamela” in which a couple of Arthur’s knights leave their sister at a spooky castle and then the bathing-in-virgin-blood shit goes down.
* “Wild Dreams of Blood” about a woman who finds out on the eve of her wedding that she is Odin’s daughter and then the frost giant cage-fighting shit goes down.
* “Crown of Rowan”, a prequel to my historical fantasy novel The Garden of the Mad King, in which shit just goes down pretty continually.

I’m super excited!

15 thoughts on “June is for writing

  1. OMG! I can’t wait for this collection! Sounds fantastic! Walked in many a church yard – site of ancient pagan sacred circles when I was in Scotland. Felt all my fingers begin to buzz. Those old circles were built where ley lines intersect. Very powerful vibes. Can’t wait!!!

  2. Hi Kim,

    A new facebook friend of mine, Lynn, reccomended your blog to me, after we discovered we had Isobelle Carmody and Kate Forsyth in common on our fb. She said your blog was great for reading about the writing process and such, and as my blog is concerned with all things fantasy, I came over to check it out! Then I was reading your book bio and I realised you wrote the Gina Champion books! I won Bloodlace in a writing competition about 12 years ago! How weird is that!

    Anyway, I have been getting into short story collections of late, and I like to support aussie authors, so I think I will need to find a copy of this book 🙂 Also, you mentioned Arthurian legend. That always sucks me in. Good job on the blog!

  3. I will buy it on the day of release. It’s been a long seven years since you last published a fantasy book for grownups, Dr Kim, and I’m confident this one will be worth the wait.

    Our frequent musical joustings aside, I don’t regret pulling the plug on FB. It’s a small price to pay for newfound clarity of mind and a welcome shift in priorities. All sorts of ideas I thought I’d forgotten have bubbled their way back to the surface and I recall how much fun this writing lark can be when it works :).

    Best to you and yours,


  4. * “Wild Dreams of Blood” about a woman who finds out on the eve of her wedding that she is Odin’s daughter and then the frost giant cage-fighting shit goes down.


  5. I absolutely cannot wait for this, I’ve been waiting nearly 10 years for you to do what you do best! How do I find out when it’s available other then your blog?

  6. Kim Good Afternoon
    I have been inspired by your blog for quite while now and June is for writing has been my catchcry for the last twelve months however I have not yet done anything worthy that would be for public consumption. I do remain inspired and on this last day of June do promise to write something worthy .

    John Sandy

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